Sunday, November 15, 2009

This One's for You, Sis

Sweet photo via little brown pen

So, Jenn and her Jennie Wu Designs have been causing quite a raucous this weekend at some craft fairs, so I've heard. She participated in the Woodbridge Village Association's Annual Holiday Arts & Crafts Show Friday and Saturday. Today, she's guest starring at the Patchwork Indie Arts & Crafts Festival in Santa Ana. Whew! She's been quite a busy little bee and will fill you in about the events soon. I want to CONGRATULATE her on the dedication she's put in for these events, the time and energy spent on her creations, and the usual blood, sweat and tears. She has been invited to sell at two other events this holiday season, so keep W Sisters on your blog radar for upcoming details!

P.S. Sweet Sissy: I love you! I am SO SO SO proud of you.

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